VAMPBLADE Lot (Action Lab – 2016/2019 Series)
*(Grade:NEAR MINT)
#3,4 (2016 Series)
#3,4 (2019 Series)
*Written by Jason Martin. Art and Cover by Winston Young. Debuting at Halloween ComicFest and in the pages of Zombie Tramp, the co-writer and artist of Zombie Tramp unleash breakout character Vampblade in her own all-new ongoing series! When a young comic shop employee is transformed by mystical blades into a walking talking (and slicing & dicing) 90s comic book bad girl, she must quickly learn how to survive the new grotesque world the blades reveal. Now, other-dimensional parasites hidden all around us resembling the ‘space vampires’ from the 90s comic, Vampblade, are all too real, and out for her blood!