JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY Lot (Marvel/2011 Series)
*(Grade:NEAR MINT)
646,649,650,651,652,653,654,655*final issue
*AN ALL-NEW JOURNEY BEGINS WHEN KATHRYN IMMONEN AND VALERIO SCHITI BRING YOU…SIF: THE BERZERKER?! She may be a ‘Lady,’ but girly ain’t her style! Known by many names: lover of Thor, sister of Heimdall, defender of Asgard…Sif is the ultimate faithful…sidekick?! Immortal, please. When the latest crop of beasties beset Asgard, it’s business as usual for our sword-slingin’ heroine as she leads the battle charge-but that no-holds-barred zeal for glory may be the very thing that brings the realm down around her winged helm…!