In Part 2 of a 4-part Catwoman story, “Sorrow Street,” written by Doug Moench, with art by Ed Hannigan and Fred Fredericks, the mystery deepens as Selina Kyle begins to discover the scope of Bracuda’s covert activities. Blue Devil is featured in Part 2 of a 6-part adventure written by Dan Mishkin and Gary Cohn, with art by Pete Moriarty and Dan Davis. Trapped on the planet Maldor, pursued by robots, aliens and the deadly Ironmonger, Blue Devil wonders if there’s an easier way to earn a living. And in the Cyborg story, Vic Stone finally has his mind back, written by Len Wein, pencilled by Phil Jimenez and inked by Al Vey and John Statema. Cover by Kevin Maguire and Terry Austin.
Showcase 93 02 (1993)
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