Now, because Valiant readers demanded it, an entire adventure starring Maxwell St. James, the turn of the century Shadowman from Shadowman (1992 1st Series) #0. St. James joins forces with Armstrong, of Archer & Armstrong, to thwart human sacrifices by Edwardian London’s Cult of Asmodeus. Jules Verne airships, the Hellfire Club, and a 40-round bare-knuckles prizefight are just some of the encounters St. James will experience during his English adventure. Fans of Archer & Armstrong know that at some time in the past, Armstrong had met at least one Shadowman before encountering Jack Boniface. This is the story of one such meeting, as told by Eisner Award-winner Mike Baron! Written by Mike Baron, with art by Val Mayerik. Edited by Bob Hall.

Shadowman (1992) Yearbook 01
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