This issue covers: Doctor Strange to Galactus. Pages by Paul Smith, Barry Windsor-Smith, John Byrne, Mike Zeck, Bill Sienkiewicz, Walt Simonson, Frank Miller, Steve Ditko, Jerry Ordway, Kerry Gammill, and Jim Steranko. FULL CONTENT INFORMATION FOR # 4: Written by Mark Gruenwald and Peter Sanderson. Researched by Sanderson. Technical illustrations by Eliot Brown. All inks by Joe Rubinstein (except for Eliot Brown entries). Character/artist listings: Doctor Strange by Paul Smith; Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum by Eliot Brown; Dormammu by Paul Smith; Dragon Man by Paul Smith; Dreadknight by Dave Cockrum; Dreadnought by Dave Gibbons; Jessica Drew by Steve Leialoha; D’spayre by Rick Leonardi; Eel by Art Nichols; Ego by John Byrne; Elders of the Universe by Mike Mignola; Electro by Mike Zeck; Elektra by Bill Sienkiewicz; Enchantress by Walt Simonson; Enclave by Russ Stefans; Energizer by June Brigman; Enforcers by Ron Frenz; Eternals by Sal Buscema; Eternity by Frank Miller; Falcon by Mike Zeck; Fantastic Four by John Byrne; Fenris by John Romita, Jr.; Fenris Wolf by Walt Simonson; Firebird by Jerry Ordway; Firelord by Al Milgrom; Firestar by Mary Wilshire; Fixer by Steve Ditko; Flag-Smasher by Paul Neary; Foolkiller by Trevor Von Eeden; Forge by Barry Windsor-Smith; Forgotten One by Larry Lieber; Dominic Fortune by Howard Chaykin; Bill Foster by Mark Bright; Frankenstein’s Monster by Val Mayerik; Freedom Force by Paul Smith; Frog-Man by Kerry Gammill; Nick Fury by Jim Steranko; Gaea by Trina Robbins; Galactus by John Byrne; Galactus’ Heralds by Bob Budiansky. John Byrne/Joe Rubinstein cover.
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition 04 (1985-1988 Marvel)
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