Breakdowns Part 10, continued from Justice League America (1987) #57. Ready for this? It’s Guy Gardner vs. Despero vs. JLI vs. Lobo vs. Despero in a city-wrecking smash-up…and the JLI doesn’t fare at all well. Continued in Justice League America (1987) #58. Written by Keith Giffen and Gerard Jones, with art and cover by Darick Robertson and John Beatty. Includes a full 16-page Sonic the Hedgehog advertisement comic printed inside. The comic has the exact same story content as found in the original 1991 mini comic (Sonic’s 1st appearance in comic books) released as a promotional item in issues of Disney Adventures and Mean Machines Magazines. NOTE: The advertisement may also have been given out separately with pre-orders for the Sega console.

Justice League Europe 33 (1989)*Newsstand
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