The Power and the Glory – Written by Roy Thomas. Art by Steve Ditko. Cover by Jack Kirby & Frank Giacoia. Captain Glory was one of Gazra’s greatest and most respected war leaders. Now the third and last of the Secret City superheroes to emerge from the Triad Cell must fulfill his ultimate mission — save modern mankind from the doom that destroyed Gazra. He soon discovers that his mission has taken a terrible new twist. A small group of the Ninth Men led by General Ordis has also survived. But instead of helping, they seek to brutally conquer mankind and install themselves as the new rulers of Earth. Unless Captain Glory can first find and then join forces with Night Glider and Bombast, General Ordis will plunge mankind into a new unending Dark Age! Plus: “Giants in the Earth” article by Roy Thomas: a reminiscence and celebration of the Silver Age artists working on Topps Comics, including photos of Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers, John Severin and a self-caricature by Don Heck.

Captain Glory 01-Unbagged (1993)
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